Julie and Grandpa Maury

When I was a young girl, I would sit on my grandfather Maurie’s lap and listen to his stories of coming to America!
His father came to America but never sent for his mother or himself. When he did finally arrive as a young boy he was charged to help support his family. Maury delivered milk, meat, newspapers – whatever he could to do earn a dime. Over the years he had many jobs and businesses that he used to offer his brothers an education or provide them a career.
My grandfather was also a master swimmer. He swam with his childhood friend Johnny Weissmuller, also known to most as “Tarzan”. As a child, I was required to join the YMCA swim team and fondly remember our Friday lunches in Chinatown and visit the Salvation Army to purchase a toy.
Maurie’s reputation for hard work, swimming and service, volunteering on the Chicago Fire department, the YMCA and working with Jane Addams, led up to his relationship with Mayor Daley Sr and work with the City of Chicago.
I believe my grandfather instilled in me a “can do” work ethic, the importance of giving back and a love for Chicago. It is, therefore, important for me to nurture an environment that will empower people to learn, grow, give back.
The photo above shows my Grandfather, Maury Young, at 40 years old, developing a parking lot in downtown Chicago next to the YMCA. On the parking lot he built a small shack that became his main office until he retired 45 years later. My name is Julie Savitt, pictured above, and I started AMS Elite Solutions when I was 40 years old also.